Tessa This call is now unfolding. I think I'm on the right road. And so it gives you this kind of peace, a peace that saw me through and allowed me to recognize God moving with me in rough pieces, of places I found myself wondering. It was a kind of peace, of course, for me to sense that God saw my pain and my anguish. And a sense of purpose in the way I see it reminds me of my intention to accomplish that which is meaningful in my life and to do what I'm called to do. Nathanael God is with me at this time, and I've never felt closer to God than I have during this whole period of discerning my call. And that's the point. I've not just settled on anything. I'm constantly discerning my call. That certain things have been happening in my life, which some people may palm off as coincidence, but I very much feel it's God working in my life. Be it when I've been in services, it's felt like God has spoken to me directly. Be it where I've been led to certain things in my life, like training to be a lay preacher or be it just having this sense of calling, this sense of direction and purpose. Victoria Some people may experience a Damascus style call but for me it has been a testing of the next step and then a feeling that this is what I meant to be doing. Tessa What keeps me going is having to remind myself, is reminding myself, who called me. And I remember the grace that I'm freely given. But not only that I have it, but that I must offer grace to others. Even when that is difficult. For me to do. Ursula To keep me, to keep me going, and because it has been stressful at times, I walk, I run and being God's nature where I can recharge, where I can get peace, where I can actually reflect and move forward again, I do believe life is all about moving forward and walking with people in where they are in their life.