Nathanael But being with God and being on this journey and just embracing embracing God within my life has really helped to heighten my purpose and helped me to grasp my talents and deliver them in the calling I'm doing. So principally for me, that's in delivering services. Being able to create a service that is challenging. Being able to involve myself within church and be personal with people. Victoria Since I began teaching, I felt that this is a vocation a calling and a ministry. Through the involvement, through involvement in the URC, I've often been asked whether I'm planning to train for ministry. My answer has always been that I minister my job every day. I minister through the way I interact with children, through the way that I teach children, how to treat others, through the way that I encourage them to respect the world and other people and to question. I may not use the language of God or Jesus, but I certainly speak about compassion, kindness and forgiveness. Tessa And I believe what I do as a Minister of the Word and Sacraments is committed to being genuinely inclusive in that meaningful thing that contributes to making a positive difference. I knew that this was my calling because of how it made me feel. Nathanael But it was just incredible to note people coming up to me and saying a fresh voice is different. Someone from a different generation can make an impact can maybe give a different angle on be it a sermon. So on Bible verses and things, not necessarily giving a message that they've heard before.