Azeem Being called to a ministry means that I feel a strong inner conviction that God has chosen me to do His work and preparing me for a particular role in serving others and building up the church. This calling and ministry may involve different forms of service, such as pastoral ministry evangelism, counseling, youth ministry or mission work. And I'm asking God to prepare me to do that role in ministry, which will make a positive difference in people's life and be pleasing to Him. Esme I know that this is my calling that you know that this is meant for me to do. Meant to help people, meant to share their thoughts if they're not able to. Really fight for people that actually can't and stand up for them and fight for them. Victoria I've always called teaching a vocation, but it's difficult to say at what point I identified it as a call. Certainly by the time I was finishing my training and looking for a job as a newly qualified teacher, I was aware that God was calling me to a particular place, even if I didn't know where that place was. Showing them care kindness and love for me is closer to sharing the love of God than preaching from a pulpit. Ursula I was able to give total holistic care to a child and family. I learned a lot from them, and I was able to totally give my life to them. Which did mean sometimes I couldn't go to church, but I do know this was the right place for me to be. Tessa And I would say the decision I have made regarding my calling was to seek to answer it, to test it out, to hear what God was saying to me. Nathanael God is with me at this time, and I've never felt closer to God than I have during this whole period of discerning my call. And that's the point, I have not just settled on anything. I am constantly discerning my call.