Ursula In my last 18 months of my nursing vocation, I was a palliative discharge nurse and actually being with this family, it's the saddest and probably most difficult time for many to be with them and walk alongside with them was very very fulfilling and I felt privileged to be there. Azeem I have been attached to the United Reformed Church for the last 22 years and served in different roles and was encouraged and guided by the church leadership and congregation. I feel blessed that most of the times people see a calling in my life and ask me to go into a ministry and serve the church. Tessa When I first entered the candidating process, you know, I was still no call could be detected, and so that felt like rejection. But in looking back at that that that sense of rejection was a gift. That what I felt was rejection really turned out to be a gift for me because in the in the months following, my mother became very ill. And so I was free. I was free to to visit her. I was free to go and spend time with her. And so I used that freedom to go to Trinidad and Tobago, where she was, and to spend the last three months of her life with her. Nathanael Now, I'm not too sure, in the past, I felt, yes, this is exactly what I want to do, this is my plan, I've got a clear direction, that's it. Well, when I've thought like that, things that in invariably not worked out. Azeem Looking forward, I want to serve the Lord in every possible way. I want to pursue personal growth and development, to deepen my relationships with others and with God. Victoria I don't know why God has called me to be where I am now or what the future call may look like, but I feel as though I am in the right place for now. And this is that trust in God that sustains me. Azeem I would love to work with local churches and different denominations to strengthen the body of Christ. Nathanael I don't know where this journey will take me. I don't know where God will take me in life. But what I do know for sure is I will never stop trying to learn. I will never stop trying to grow. Because if I did get to that point where I felt like I know everything, I know God, there's nothing more I could learn, then I would be truly lost. Azeem Teaching and preaching are other key aspects of my life, and I want to explore and explain the Word of God and reach out to as many people as possible. Victoria As a head teacher, my ministry and vocation have morphed into something different, but yet it is still a vocation. I now aim to show God's love not only in my interactions with children, but also in the way I support parents. In the way that I try and encourage the school to be part of the community, in the way that I manage staff. The way that I react when things go wrong and the way that we as a school implement policy and procedures.