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Vocation and Call

1. Please start here

Welcome to this Conversation Starter exploring Vocation and Call.

The aim of this conversation starter is to get you thinking and talking.  How you use it is up to you.  This might be in a church meeting or a small group setting; perhaps during worship or cafè church; even just to prompt you to have deeper conversations with a friend about how you feel God is calling you, or to encourage them to explore God's call for themselves.

Each page begins with a short introduction followed by three or four questions to get you started.  There's some short video clips of people telling their own stories about call and vocation, some material for worship, a bit of theology and links to other useful resources around this subject.

You are invited to use the material flexibly but intentionally - and please let us know how you have used it and whether you have found it helpful.  There's a link to a feedback form on page 7. 

So welcome! Come along and jump in and see where God might be calling you or those with whom you walk through life!


To begin, watch this short video which introduces this Conversation Starter

Click here for a transcript of this video