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Vocation and Call

3. Enabling conversations

So, have you ever had anyone tap you on the shoulder, ask for 5 minutes of your time, and then tell you that they have noticed a gift or talent in you that they think you should use? Or has someone called you to say that there’s a role going, and they think that you would be good at it?  Or point out that they see you as someone who would be ideal for a particular position?  

We believe that God calls us all and we all have something to offer. Too often, however, we are slow to name to others what we see in them or reluctant to believe that what we have to offer is enough. Opening up conversations enables God to be seen, heard, experienced and believed in new, exciting, mundane, and different ways.

Jesus said ‘Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.’ So he went away, proclaiming throughout the city how much Jesus had done for him’.  (Luke 8:39)

The man was freed by Jesus and responded by sharing the news of what had happened.

  • Can you remember a time when someone 'tapped you on the shoulder', or encouraged you to explore a particular role, task or area of service.  How did you feel?  How did you respond?
  • Think about how you might enable others to recognise or hear a call from God.  What action can you take?
  • Maybe you have seen a gift or talent in someone else that you think they could use in response to a call from God.  How might you tell them?  Would this be an easy conversation?  What might be the things that prevent you from saying something?
  • Draw, write or discuss the feelings that arise when you consider these questions.
Use this Vocations Jigsaw as a resource to ask questions and prompt conversation about Vocation and Call

N.B. If you are facilitating this conversation with a group, give people some time to consider these questions for themselves then invite them to share their thoughts and feelings with other as appropriate.