Disability Awareness for All
5. Being Visible
5.3. Take home
I thank you, Lord, that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Each one of us is fearfully and wonderfully made.
It’s just hard to remember it sometimes, in a world that focuses so heavily on the perfect.
Photoshopped pictures, glossy advertising, even those social media posts which flaunt the
perfect body, the perfect life.
How can I measure up against those? How can anybody?
It becomes easy to dismiss others as different, to feel different, to believe they or we fall short,
And to look to seat blame for that firmly in the individual.
But in Your kingdom, O God, each one is already perfect.
Each one has potential, each one is valued, each one brings something into the mix,
So much so that your kingdom is imperfect without them.
Forgive us when we question this, either about ourselves or about others.
Forgive us when we focus on perceived lack rather than God-given gifts.
Grant us a glimpse of your kingdom.